When the First Family welcomed Bo, the Portuguese Water Dog, to the White House, they put the spotlight on this rare breed of water-loving canine. Fortunately, the Portie likes attention almost as much as he likes playing with children and swimming. An important consideration before diving in to ownership of a Portuguese Water Dog: If you don’t want a dog who prefers to be wet, this isn’t the dog for you. Caveats aside, this curly mop of good natured canine could be just the ticket for your family.
The breed was developed in Portugal, where the breed served as the fisherman’s equivalent of a farmer’s right-hand man. They retrieved nets, delivered messages, and pretty much did anything that was asked of them with enthusiasm and style. Few people need that kind of water-logged helper anymore, so the Portie’s smarts and enthusiasm have been put to other uses. One of the most notable: When San Francisco opened its new bayside ballpark for the Giants, a team of Porties went to work retrieving home run balls out of the water. The dogs, known as the Baseball Aquatic Retrieval Korps, or BARK, quickly became an attraction on their own.
But the Portie doesn’t need paid work; he’ll happily do most anything you want. The dogs do very well at obedience, agility, and other canine sports, as well as more people-based activities such as boating, hiking, and helping the kids chase a soccer ball. The problem won’t be finding things for your dog to do, but rather finding time and energy to keep your dog busy. Don’t bring a Portie into your family unless you have plenty of both to spare.
What about allergies? The jury’s still out. The Portie, like many dogs with coats like the Poodle, may be better tolerated by people with allergies, especially mild ones. Do understand, though, that there’s truly no such thing as a dog that will not cause any allergies. Expect to brush the dog thoroughly at least weekly and have him professionally clipped every other month.
The Portie is a wonderful family dog and typically great with children, although all child-pet interaction should be supervised by adults. Also, because the dog can be rambunctious and some fall under the “big dog” category, they may be too much for toddlers.
Give your Portie plenty of exercise and he’ll be happy in an apartment, a small suburban home, or a vast country estate. Just don’t expect him to handle being alone in the backyard. If you get a Portuguese Water Dog, make him a member of your family, not an outdoor dog.
Other Quick Facts
- Portuguese Water Dogs have a wavy to curly coat that comes in a number of colors with or without white markings. Black and brown dogs are the most common; white is the least common.
- The Portuguese Water Dog can sport a “lion” clip with a bare rear end or remain fully coated. The profuse coat can be curly or wavy.
- A Portie’s curly coat, somewhat more loosely coiled than a Poodle’s, doesn’t shed much, but left untrimmed, will continue to grow indefinitely.
The History of the Portuguese Water Dog
The Portuguese Water Dog has been a coastal retriever in fishing-mad Portugal for centuries. Portuguese fishermen ranged far out from their homeland, all the way to the Grand Banks cod fishery off the coast of Newfoundland, and their water-loving dogs went with them. They were important members of the crew, helping to pull in nets and deliver items between boats. The Poodle and the PWD may have a common ancestor, and the PWD may have played a role in the development of the Irish Water Spaniel.
The breed’s importance in the fishing industry declined over the years, and the dogs became quite rare. The first members of the breed were brought to the United States in 1958, but it wasn’t until 1972 that the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America was formed. The American Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1984. Today the PWD ranks 55th among the breeds registered by the AKC, up from 60th in 2009. No doubt the breed’s popularity received a boost from the presence of Bo Obama in the White House.
Portuguese Water Dog Temperament and Personality
There are two outstanding characteristics of the Portuguese Water Dog: energy and intelligence. The Portie is an agile breed that thrives on any activity that challenges him physically and mentally. In addition, the Portie is a friendly family dog that enjoys looking after his human pack. In fact, the Portie needs to be with a family. He doesn’t do well if left in a kennel or left alone at home for long periods of time. He thrives in the midst of an active family.
Training should begin right away for the Portie puppy. Even at 8 weeks old, he is capable of learning good manners. Never wait until he is 6 months old to begin training. If possible, get him into puppy kindergarten class by the time he is 10 to 12 weeks old, and socialize, socialize, socialize. However, be aware that many puppy training classes require certain vaccines (like kennel cough) to be up to date, and many veterinarians recommend limited exposure to other dogs and public places until puppy vaccines (including rabies, distemper and parvovirus) have been completed. In lieu of formal training, you can begin training your puppy at home and socializing him among family and friends until puppy vaccines are completed.These experiences as a young dog will help him grow into a sensible adult dog.
Talk with a reputable, experienced Portuguese Water Dog breeder. Describe exactly what you’re looking for in a canine companion, and ask for assistance in selecting a puppy. Breeders see the puppies daily and can make uncannily accurate recommendations once they know something about your lifestyle and personality. Choose a puppy whose parents have nice personalities and who has been well socialized by the breeder from birth.
Vigorous exercise is a must for the Portie, such as daily romps, canine sports (agility and obedience), and swimming. The Portie has a special affinity for swimming due to his heritage as a working water dog, and swimming is a great way for him to burn off some energy.
What You Need To Know About Portuguese Water Dog Health
All dogs have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit a particular disease. Run, don’t walk, from any breeder who does not offer a health guarantee on puppies, who tells you that the breed is 100 percent healthy and has no known problems, or who tells you that her puppies are isolated from the main part of the household for health reasons. A reputable breeder will be honest and open about health problems in the breed and the incidence with which they occur in her lines. Portuguese Water Dogs are at risk of hip dysplasia, a crippling disorder of the hip socket that can require costly surgery to treat and often leaves the dog stricken with arthritis later in life.
Additionally, the breed can be affected by a number of genetic eye abnormalities. One eye problem, microphthalmia, can be diagnosed with an eye exam, so have your puppy examined for this condition if his breeder hasn’t already done so. These results should also be reported to the Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF). Another eye disease that can affect PWDs, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), has a genetic screening test available through Optigen, and the puppy’s parents should have been tested. Testing forms and additional information are found on the Portugese Water Dog Club of America (PWDCA) website.
A rare condition known as GM1 gangliosidosis, which causes a fatal buildup of toxins in the nerve cells of puppies, can occur in the Portuguese Water Dog. Through the determined efforts of the breed club, a DNA test was developed, and no affected puppies have been born for several years. Under no circumstances should you obtain a puppy from a breeder who cannot provide you with written documentation of his parents’ GM1 gangliosidosis status.
Other diseases that can affect the breed and for which the PWDCA recommends genetic screening include heart and thyroid problems, as well as a condition known as sebaceous adenitis, an inflammation of the sebaceous glands that leads to hair loss and skin disease. Your puppy’s breeder should be willing — in fact eager — to go over the health histories of his parents and their close relatives and discuss how prevalent health concerns are in his lines.
The Portuguese Water Dog Club of America is a member of the Canine Health Information Center, a health database. For a Portie to become CHIC-certified, a breeder must submit a hip evaluation from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), an eye clearance from CERF, with annual eye exams recommended until the dog is 10 years old, a DNA test result for PRA from an approved laboratory, and OFA registry of a DNA test for GM1 gangliosidosis. Optional tests include OFA cardiac, thyroid, and sebaceous adenitis evaluations, and a University of Pennsylvania evaluation for juvenile dilated cardiomyopathy.
Breeders must agree to have all test results, positive or negative, published in the CHIC database. A dog need not receive good or even passing scores on the evaluations to obtain a CHIC number, so CHIC registration alone is not proof of soundness or absence of disease, but all test results are posted on the CHIC website and can be accessed by anyone who wants to check the health of a puppy’s parents.
Remember that after you’ve taken a new puppy into your home, you have the power to protect him from one of the most common health problems: obesity. Keeping a Portie from getting portly is one of the easiest ways to extend his life. Make the most of your preventive abilities to help ensure a healthier dog for life.
The Basics of Portuguese Water Dog Grooming
With his handsome and abundant coat, the grooming requirements of the Portuguese Water Dog are above average. Regular grooming is essential to keep his coat in good condition, including brushing, bathing, haircut, nail trim, and ear cleaning. You can let the coat grow long or clip it short. Expect to groom (do it yourself or better yet, hire a professional groomer) your dog every six to eight weeks, especially if you wish to keep the coat trimmed short. Regular brushing several times a week with a pin or slicker brush is necessary if you let the coat grow out. Regular tooth brushing with a soft toothbrush and doggie toothpaste keep the teeth and gums healthy.
The rest is basic care. Trim the nails as needed, usually every week or two. Brush the teeth frequently with a vet-approved pet toothpaste for good overall health and fresh breath.