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Showing posts with label Power Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Animals. Show all posts

Monday, August 13, 2018

How to Wash a Cat

Pre-Bath Advice

The key to successful cat-bathing is preparation. You must make certain you have all necessary items at your fingertips.

THIS IS A TWO PERSON JOB. You will need to keep at least one hand on your cat AT ALL TIMES, so it will be difficult to complete the process without a helper.

Ideally, this process should be done in a double sink, or a single sink that has a spray attachment. If you do not have either a double sink or a single sink with a spray attachment, then consider using two large Tupperware containers, each one being about the size of your sink.

Line the floor around you with old towels; this will be a messy process and you don’t want to make things more difficult by slipping on a wet floor.

If your cat has claws, it is recommended that you wear long sleeves. Also, if your cat is prone to biting, consider wearing a pair of sturdy gloves.

It is NOT recommended that you wash your cat in the tub. Generally, cats are afraid of water and to them, the tub looks like an ocean of certain death.

Washing the Cat

What You Will Need:

Lots of old towels
Double sink or single sink with spray attachment
Plug for the sink
Rubber mat for the sink
Two cups
Soft washcloth
Cat shampoo
Cotton balls
1 or more dirty cats
Bandages and antiseptic (for you, afterwards)

Washing that Kitty:

Prepare your work area; arrange towels on the floor and place all your gear within easy arms reach.

Place the rubber mat in the sink and fill with about three inches of body-temperature water (just enough to come up to your cat’s belly. DO NOT overfill! Cats are very sensitive to water temperature, so it is important that you check the temperature, using the same method you would for a baby bottle: pour a bit on the underside of your wrist—it should feel neither hot nor cold.

Put some shampoo in one of the cups and fill with the water from the sink (this will prevent the cat from being shocked by a sudden dose of cold shampoo).

If you are using a double sink, fill the other side with body-temperature water, relatively the same temperature as the first side.

Pick up your cat, stroking him and talking to him soothingly so that he doesn’t become too suspicious over what is about to happen.

Making sure you have a firm hold on your cat (this may require gripping the scruff of his neck) lower him gently but quickly into the side of the sink with the 3-inches of water.

In all likelihood, YOUR CAT WILL IMMEDIATELY TRY TO GET OUT. All kidding aside, if he has claws, this can be a very dangerous situation. A panicked cat can do some serious damage. Keep a firm hold on your cat at all times. This is why it is important for another person to assist you.

If your cat is not too stressed, place a small cotton ball in each ear. Cats can get ear infections if their ears get wet. If you are unable to get the cotton balls in, or if your cat repeatedly shakes them out, make sure you’re extra careful not to get the ears wet.

With the empty cup, gently pour the sink water onto your cat.

Pour the diluted shampoo solution on him and massage into his fur. NEVER put shampoo by the face, eyes or ears.

Wet the washcloth in the clean sink water and gently run it over his snout and face. Again, do not use shampoo on your cat’s face.

If you are using the double sink, using cupfuls of clean water, rinse the shampoo thoroughly from your cat, draining the water if it becomes too deep. If you are using a spray attachment, check the water temperature, and make sure the pressure is not too great. Place the nozzle close to your cat’s fur so he doesn’t get the “spray” sensation. It is very important that you rinse ALL the shampoo from your cat—their skin can be very sensitive and shampoo residue will make them susceptible to skin infections and irritations.

Once your cat has been completely rinsed, lift him out of the sink using a soft towel. Try to keep him wrapped in the towel, blotting excess water (DO NOT RUB with the towel as this can be very irritating to an already edgy cat). Repeat several times with dry towels.

Once you have blotted away the excess water, keep your kitty in a quiet, warm, draft-free place until he is completely dry and relaxed once more.

If you’ve gotten any scratches in the process, clean them thoroughly with soap and water, treat them with antiseptic and bandage them. Check any scratches or bites frequently for signs of infection.

Jannet Osborn

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Power Animals | The Bat

The Bat arriving in your life signifies an omen of change. He asks that you pay attention to signs around you. The transition may seem frightening at first, but you must let go of your old habits and patterns that no longer serve your higher calling. They will only hinder your growth.

Bat Spirit Animal Meaning

Bats are symbols of communication because they are highly sociable and have strong family bonds. They are nurturing, highly verbal, use touch and are sensitive to members from their group. This strong bond allows them to teach us how to enhance our level of communication and strengthen our bonds with family and friends. Bats have great perceptive skills, always show the truth in dreams and symbolize rebirth as they spread their wings at dusk from the womb of Mother Earth.

Bat As Your Totem Animal

If bat is your totem animal, you are a highly sensitive individual who is extremely aware of your surroundings. You have powerful skills when it comes to seeing through illusion. You are able to go straight into the heart of matters. You tend to be social and have very strong family ties. You are a nurturing individual, have excellent communication skills and use touch when you are communicating. You have high perceptive skills and may have prophetic dreams. You are able to easily adapt to any situation you are in.
If bat is your power animal, know that he will take you on a journey that may seem outlandish, but he will never leave your side. Know that bat does not accept half-hearted attempts at self improvement. He requires commitment and can be challenging, but the rewards are profound. Once you have bat as your power animal, he will not leave your side. He will remain at your side as a faithful and forever friend helping you find your true highest potential and maintaining it.

Bat As A Symbol of Rebirth & Renewal

Bat teaches us to face the darkness and find the light seen in rebirth. You must face your greatest fears and begin a new chapter in your life. Face your fears so that you may overcome emotional barriers that are holding you back from taking this physical or spiritual journey. As a shape shifter, he inspires transformation. It is time to follow those new ideas, hunches and emotions you may not be familiar with. Embrace the possibilities the universe has in store for you.
Bat serves as a reminder to let go of our ego so that we may pursue our spiritual growth, and renew thoughts and beliefs on a regular basis. He helps us with inner work, loving our enemy in the way you love yourself and nurturing personal growth in all of its forms. Bat brings gifts of insight, renewal and increased perceptive skills. Trust your intuition and instincts. He will help you discern the hidden meanings in the words of others. You will be able to hear what is not being said.

If Bat Swoops Into Your Dreams

Along with bat come revealing prophetic dreams and heighten sensitivity to psychic phenomena, occult and afterlife. One of the greatest lessons to learn here is to be wary of illusion. Do not fall victim to unfounded, false or irrational fears. Release yourself from your fears and allow yourself to spread your wings.
Bat visiting your dreams has several meanings. It can represent uncleanness, personal demons and annoyances. Bats in dreams also represent rebirth and unrealized potential. It is time to let go of old habits that are holding you back from reaching your full potential. Bat is trying to let you know that the path you are currently traveling is not in your best interest. It is not helping you grow or obtain new goals. It is possible that you are entering a situation blindly. It is a good idea to take some time to evaluate the facts more carefully before accepting a deal or entering into this situation.
If you see a white bat in you dream, this can signify the death of a family member. To see a black bat suggests a personal disaster. If you dream of a vampire bat, this implies that you are feeling your energy drained or something is making you lose your confidence. According to Chinese folklore, seeing five bats in a dream is symbolism for good health, happiness, longevity, peace, and wealth.