Why do dogs lick you
Understanding why your dog licks can help you in curbing this behaviour.
So why do dogs lick? The following are some of the reasons:
They like the taste of your skin
presumption in many people’s minds is that their dogs lick them to show
affection. While this may be true, dogs may also lick you because they
like the taste of your skin. This may be caused by traces of food on
your skin or just the taste of salt and scents on your skin. In other
cases, a new scent on your skin can also compel the dog to sniff and
lick you. This will give the dog a lot of information regarding where
you have been.
To attract attention
other cases, dogs will lick people to attract attention. There are many
ways through which a dog can attract your attention, including a tap
using its paw, a nose nudge and barking. But if the dog has noticed that
you do not pay attention to these attempts, it may result into licking.
To seek attention, a dog will lick your arm, hand or your face. If your
dog starts licking you, you should try to establish whether he is
trying to tell you something. For instance, the dog may be trying to
tell you that he needs a potty break, the water bowl is empty or that he
wants to play because he is bored.
To relief stress
in dogs releases endorphins, which play a role in relaxation. As such, a
dog may lick itself, nearby objects or humans to stay calm. The
majority of dogs find licking soothing and relaxing. Additionally, when
nervous, a dog will smack its lips or lick to calm its nerves and show
other dogs around that it is not a threat to them.
When hungry
question in the minds of many dog owners is "why do dogs lick?" There
are many reasons as to why dogs lick, but your dog may be licking you
simply because it is hungry.
has been ascertained that wild dogs tend to lick the face of their pack
leader to beg for food. Additionally, puppies will lick their mother’s
lips when hungry. This stimulates a regurgitation reflex and the puppies
will feed on the food vomited by their mother. Therefore, if your dog
starts licking you around its feeding time, it may be telling you that
it is hungry.
To show affection
dogs may lick your face to show affection. They learn this when they
are young. Licking among littermates, in addition to maternal licking
helps in strengthening family bonds among the dogs. Therefore, the dog
may be licking you to show its affection for you and to strengthen the
family bond it has with you.
To investigate
do dogs lick? Answering this question is the starting point towards
curbing your dog’s licking behavior. A dog may lick you just to
ascertain your feelings. They use special receptors in their mouth and
nose to interpret and process, scented molecules that exist in human
sweat. This information will help the dog determine whether you are
stressed or happy.
To clean up
like the cats, dogs lick to clean themselves. This is because dogs are
also concerned about their hygiene. However, if your dog constantly
licks itself, it might be an indicator that its glands need to be
To aid in wound recovery
are enzymes in a dog’s saliva that get rid of bacteria. As such,
licking wounds on their skin helps in cleaning and killing the bacteria
on the wounds. Additionally, licking helps the dog get rid of the dead
tissues of the wound. However, you should be concerned if your dog is
overdoing it, because that may reopen the wounds and harm itself.
you notice that the dog is licking the same place or object over and
over again, you may need to contact a vet. You should be equally
concerned if the dog licks the same object whenever it is nervous or
scared. This is mainly because obsessive licking can easily reinforce
or worsen the condition.
To explore
do dogs lick you? If this is your dilemma, you have nothing to worry
about because dogs may lick just to acquaint themselves with their
environment. To explore their world, dogs lick new people and things in
their surroundings. Additionally, if the dog detects something new on
you, however small, it will lick you because it is curious. This is also
why a dog you have met for the first time will lick your hand if you
offer for the dog to sniff.