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Monday, March 26, 2018

Is your Dog Battling with skin problems ?

Healthier skin and a younger-looking body. These are just two of the benefits of biotin, formerly known as Vitamin H. One of the most important nutrients in the body, biotin maintains healthy connective tissue which holds the body together. It is essential for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, as well as for cell formation, and assists with the metabolism of proteins.
Skin conditions arising from a biotin deficiency include dry, flaky skin, a dull or thin coat, excessive shedding, and intense scratching or biting at the skin leading to bald areas. Birds and rabbits will show similar symptoms in their fur and feathers. Talons, nails and beaks may also be in poor condition. Less readily seen symptoms occur in weakened tissue, which may contribute to hip dysplasia in dogs and other joint disorders.
In recent years, biotin has enjoyed popularity as an ingredient in shampoos, conditioners and cosmetics. This B vitamin, however, has to be ingested in order to gain its full benefit.

A primary source of biotin is the healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract, and it also occurs naturally in many foods, including liver, meat, egg yolks and most vegetables. Since the bioavailable content in these foods may not prove sufficient to provide proper balance, a biotin supplement can be helpful. It is also an effective alternative to expensive prednisone and antihistamine treatments.

Supplementation will reverse the unsightly and uncomfortable effects caused by a deficiency. The animals will look, feel and act years younger in a relatively short time. Less scratching will result in healthier, less-irritated skin and less shedding. Bald areas will show new hair growth as the rest of the coat thickens and regains its original luster.

Being aware of the signs and symptoms of a biotin deficiency will help you take appropriate measures. A healthy animal is a happy animal who will live a longer life.

Effects of Biotin in Dogs

Vitamin H is not only effective in the treatment of allergic reactions and skin conditions. It also seems to play an important role in the following processes:

#Muscle formation

Hence, you should rely on this vitamin if your dog suffers from a skin problem or simply if you want to improve any of the aforementioned processes.
Biotin Deficiency in Dogs

A deficiency of vitamin B7 may be the precise cause of the skin disorders. This explains why the symptoms tend to alleviate when administering biotin. Some of the problems associated with biotin deficiency include:

#Dry haircoat
#Skin lesions

To make sure that these are determined by a lack of biotin and not something else, it is best to take the dog to a veterinarian. After consulting the dog, the veterinarian will determine if supplementation with vitamin H is necessary or not. Biotin deficiency may be noticed after giving the dog raw egg whites. The absorption of biotin is inhibited when raw eggs are consumed, because these contain the Avidin enzyme.

Availability and Administration of Vitamin B7

This vitamin is available in powder form, either alone or in combination with other substances. Brewer’s yeast, for example, includes several other compounds besides biotin. More than that, there are also several natural sources of vitamin B7, the most important being:

#Seed oils

If the diet of your dog includes any of these sources, chances are there will not by any deficiency problems. Even though there are no side effects or toxic reactions associated to biotin administration, dog owners are recommended to consult a veterinarian in order to find out the best dosage for their dog. As an alternative, you could follow the administration instruction listed on the supplement container. Supplements based on this vitamin may have different concentrations of biotin, and that is why it is safer to ask a veterinarian.

Adverse Reactions to Vitamin H

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, so it will not pose a threat to the health of your dog, even if an overdose is administered. The excess will not affect in any way the liver or the kidneys, and will be eliminated once with the urine. In other words, both the risks of toxicity and overdose are reduced to a minimum.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

What to Consider When Looking for a Dog

What to Consider When Looking for a Dog

Owning a dog is not as simple as some people think. There are many things that owners need to consider before adopting or purchasing a dog. Once a dog becomes a part of the family, there is a huge commitment that cannot be ignored. In some ways, they need even more attention than a child, because they don’t gain independence at the level that humans do when they grow older and mature. Most people think of the basic needs and stop there without taking further consideration of how a dog might impact their lives. Here are a few important things to consider when looking for a dog.

Determine the right breed


Not all dogs are created equal. It is very important for potential dog owners to assess their specific, unique situations and determine the best breed to bring into their homes. Some dogs need ample space to move around without destroying things in the home. Others may need more exercise and access to the outdoors. There are even some dog breeds that are more trainable and independent than others. In essence, there are some dogs that are able to live great lives cooped up in apartments all day and others that absolutely need space. A dog owner’s living space may very well be vital to determining which dog breed is best for the situation.

Time commitment


Owning and caring for a dog is a huge time commitment. They need attention multiple times during the day, from feeding to exercising and cuddling to nurturing. People with time-consuming jobs and busy lives really should consider staying away from raising canines and other pets. At times, dogs may even pull owners away from their jobs, especially if they get sick and need medical attention during the day.
There are options for those who work long hours, but they are not exactly ideal. Often times, people will hire dog-sitters and dog walkers to help them with exercise and care for their pooches. Unfortunately, the relationship that the dog has is then made with the dog-sitter or walker.

Financial commitment


Caring for dogs costs money. They are an integral part of families, deserving all the care they can get. Owning dogs, as pets, are huge financial commitments, as they need to be fed, cared for in terms of their health, and entertained. All three of these elements cost money. When dogs age and their health declines, care can be extremely costly. Just like other members of the family, dogs also need annual health check-ups to make sure they are not developing diseases that may shorten their lives or make them uncomfortable.

Family health


Dogs are wonderful pets if no family members are allergic to them. If people in the house are allergic to dog dander, then the type of dog to welcome into the family will have to be hypoallergenic. There are a variety of dog breeds that fit the mold and are wonderful to have in an allergen-free home. In order for everyone in the family to enjoy their new pet, it is important to consider the wellbeing and health of all members.



When people are ready to bring pets into their homes, there are some preliminary basics that need to get set up ahead of time. These preparations are important to consider so that the home and other family members are ready for the new addition. Potential owners need to make sure they are ready with a leash, collar, food and water bowls, crate (if necessary), sleeping area, and various toys for the dog to chew. If toys are not provided for dogs, they will find other things to chew on, such as shoes, couches, and curtains.

Primary Caregiver

When a dog enters a home, there needs to be a primary caregiver assigned to prevent future chaos and neglect. Different people in the family need to take on different roles to make sure everything gets done. If roles are left up to chance, the dog may end up not getting what it needs to survive and live a good, healthy life. It is always best to determine the primary caregiver and everyone else serves the secondary roles. This will make everything run more smoothly when the dog needs care.

Family lifestyle

Owning a pet can seem like a lot of fun, but in reality, it can also be restrictive. Traveling families who like to explore the world may have to consider how much time they are actually home and able to care for a dog. Those who like to be spontaneous may also find it a little restrictive if they have a dog at home. Some dogs travel well and can participate on long trips. Most, however, do not do well on long road trips. Considering the family’s lifestyle is crucial before bringing the dog into the home.

Finding a veterinarian


Before bringing a dog into the family, it is important to shop around and find a reputable veterinarian. Visits to the vet are hard enough as it is for dogs. If they don’t have a vet who is caring, gentle, and knowledgeable, it can really be miserable for the dog. Although there are many options found on the Internet, the best way to find a reputable vet is to talk to current and former dog owners and get recommendations and referrals.


Just as parents have to childproof their homes when their children become mobile infants, dog owners need to implement dog-proofing measures. In addition to hiding things the dog may chew up, owners need to make sure there is no access to toxic chemicals. Toxins can be found in plants, bags, and cleaners that the dog may come across as they explore around the house.

Dog’s age

Some people want to raise puppies and go through all the training themselves. Others are determined to rescue older dogs that have been through neglect and abuse. Before heading out to find a dog, a decision needs to be made whether the new addition to the family will be young or old. Dogs have different needs depending on their ages, so it is important for potential owners to consider the pros and cons of raising them from pups, as well as the advantages and disadvantages to rescuing an older canine.
Adding a dog to the family is not a matter to be considered lightly. Dogs deserve to have the best owners who will dote on them and love them to death. The time, energy, and money it takes to raise and care for a dog are critical to consider before making a lifetime commitment to bringing a dog into the home. So, are you ready to have a dog?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Pet Ownership Positively Affects Your Kids in More Ways Than One

Pet Ownership Positively Affects Your Kids in More Ways Than One

Pet Ownership Positively Affects Your Kids in More Ways Than One
Pet Ownership Positively Affects Your Kids in More Ways Than One

Caring for a pet really is a childhood rite of passage. The excitement of nurturing another being — which quickly becomes a best friend — is incomparable to anything else. The experience creates lifelong memories, and we always remember our first pet.Experts say a child's physical, social, emotional and cognitive development can all be encouraged by interaction with the family pet.

Having a pet helps kids improve their motor skills and also just increases overall activity.
In fact, a 2010 study showed that kids in England who had a dog exercised on average 11 minutes more a day than other children who didn't have a dog. Doesn't sound like a whole lot, but a little bit of exercise every day can be seriously beneficial to children.

You know how the saying goes: "Dog is man's best friend" — which is true. But pets can actually help people make new human friends too.
For children especially, pets can be a wonderful catalyst for socializing. Children are more prone to approach and interact with another child who is playing with an animal, so a pet can be the bridge between a less socially outgoing child and other potential playmates.
“Pet ownership appears to be a significant factor for facilitating social interaction and friendship formation within neighborhoods,” Dr. Lisa Wood, associate professor at the University of Western Australia, wrote in her recent study via Harvard Health Publications. “For pet owners, this also translates into new sources of social support, both of a practical and emotionally supportive nature.”
And kittens and puppies aren't the only pets that can help kids make friends, Wood's study showed that other kinds of pets, including rabbits and snakes, can also be catalysts for making friends and finding social support.


According to the Pet Health Council, kids who have pets have higher self-esteem.

"Children with low-self esteem may talk to, or confide in, an animal in ways they would not with people," the PHC reports. "They are often more confident in performing tasks they find difficult with an animal simply because the animal does not care if mistakes are made, nor will the child be afraid of looking silly in front of the animal."
Makes sense, right? A pet is basically a source of unconditional love who provides support but never judges.
Moreover, kids with pets tend to be more capable of showing empathy to other people because they learn how to nurture their animal.


Can having a dog actually make a child excel in school? According to a 2011 study, yes.

The study done on second-graders showed that the ones who read aloud to a dog actually made bigger strides in their reading ability than their peers who read out loud to an adult — possibly due to the dog's ability to help reduce a child's stress and the fact that a dog provides nonjudgmental support.
Having a pet might also encourage a child to learn more about animals in general and in turn foster an appreciation for research and science.

Adopting a pet is a huge commitment and shouldn't be taken lightly, but it might be the best thing you could ever do for your kids' childhood experience.